Sunshine Coast Regional Council

Individual Development Program April - May 2024

This is a preview of the Individual Development Grant 2023/24 Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Is this application for an individual applicant? * Required
Response required.
This program is for individuals only and you must apply as such. If you are in a team you still need to apply individually.
Which council Division does the applicant live in? (you can look this up by clicking on the link below)) * Required
Response required.

Not sure which division the applicant lives in?  Find out on the Electoral Commission of Queensland website (go to webpage and type in the address, then click on Local Government).

Has the applicant been a permanent resident of the Sunshine Coast Local Government Area (SCLGA), (ie living in one of the divisions listed above) for at least the preceding 12 months? * Required
To be eligible you must have been a permanent resident of the Sunshine Coast region for at least the preceding 12 months.

Groups or teams (with members from Sunshine Coast Local Government Area) attending the same event

The total amount of funding to members of a group or team attending the same event cannot exceed $2,000. Any team member who wishes to apply, must submit their own application. Team applications will not be accepted, however all eligible members of the same team who wish to apply MUST submit their applications within the same assessment period. For further information phone the Grants Team on 5420 8616.

Is the applicant part of a group or team that has other members from the SCLGA attending the same event * Required
Response required.
*This may require a coordinated approach from a team representative. (Assessment periods end January, March, May, July, September and November of each year)

Type of Event

What type of activity are you requesting funding for?

Sporting Event (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "What type of activity are you requesting funding for?" on page 1

Is the event recognised by a National Sporting Organisation that is endorsed by the Australian Sports Commission?

Australian Sports Directory link 

Is the applicant competing at a National or International competition? * Required
Response required.

Other funding opportunities

Your activity may be eligible for a State or Federal Government grant. Please refer to the links below regarding eligibility and submission of an application.

State Government Sporting Grants - Emerging Athlete Pathways 

Federal Government Sporting Grants - Australian Sports Commission - Grants and Funding 

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "What type of activity are you requesting funding for?" on page 1

Is the applicant performing, competing or presenting at a National or International competition, conference or event?

Please note that individuals are eligible to receive funding for one national and one international competition, conference or event per calendar year only.

Have you already received funding for the same type of event (national OR international) this calendar year?
Has the applicant been selected to attend by a governing body? * Required
Response required.
The letter of selection MUST include the following information: * Required
Response required.Response required.
Please check each box to confirm your letter includes ALL required information. If the letter doesn't include this information you may not be eligible for funding.
Attach a file: Select stored file
    If you are unable to attach, please post or email this evidence to with your Grant ID number.